Jie Zhang_MArch 24_Martinez_From the Impossibleness_image
From the Impossibleness
According to Wikipedia, an impossible object is a type of optical illusion that consists of a two-dimensional figure which is instantly and naturally understood as representing a projection of a…
Quinn Wilbert_MArch24_Martinez_Clothes Make Character_Image
Clothes Make Character
Buildings have character. Whether perceived as familiar backdrops, quirky scenery, or tasteless eyesores, this personification intensifies our relationship with architecture. This perception of character can impose upon the practice of…
JBrand GracePoillucci_MArch 24_Martinez_A world much like our own_image
A world much like our own
Prompted by an interest in the individual’s personal relationship to and authorship over the built environment, A world much like our own is an experiment in placemaking. Through this experiment,…
Farida Mokhtar_MArch 24_Martinez_Iconic Surfaces_image
Iconic Surfaces: A Graphic Narrative in Three Dimensional Form
In the contemporary definition of the role of graphic design and architecture, the thesis aims to explore the point of convergence between branding and graphic design in spatial architectural design….
“Can Art Be Architecture (The AIA Doesn’t Think So) explores the historical relationship between the architect as an agent of culture in society and the bureaucracy and political responsibility of…
In philosophy, the concept of simulacrum has emerged as a compelling lens through which to examine the intricate relationship between reality and representation.1 Simulacra, refers to representations or copies that…
Block Breaker
Analyzing the fusion of film and architecture, a satellite festival grounds for Cannes in Barcelona aims to celebrate Spanish cinema history and ignite urban renewal. Nestled within L’exiample, known for…
Rahul Bagga_MArch 24_Martinez_MoWAM
Designing History: Exploring Architectural Evolution
This thesis aspires to offer a comprehensive approach where aesthetics, historical precedent, and modern technology converge into a Western representation of the built environment. Presented through the design of a…
Hyphenated America
This thesis research explores the mixing, meshing, and unity of growing hybrid identities, races, and cultures occuring around the globe. Climate migration, Economic migration, Political instability and so on are…
Richie Luu_MArch 24_Martinez_Intangible Mediums
Intangible Mediums: Image as Material
In architectural design, a dichotomy traditionally exists between the tangible constructs of solid and void, addition and subtraction. However, within this binary framework lies a nuanced, yet underexplored, domain: a…