urban terrace
This project integrates all three programs (Outpatient Care, Nursing Center and Homeless housing) in a single complex that assures their independent identity but also creates multilayered connections. The Outpatient Clinic establishes a 2 story base with the Homeless Housing and the Nursing Center sitting securely on top.
“Experience” is emphasized through the use of a hidden parking lot, an enlarged pedestrian-oriented green roof, a playful grand slope that links the project to the ground plane and a mix of other features including view corridors and running tracks.
Program interaction between the three components and between the project and the community is encouraged by interconnected circulation cores, a semi-public roof garden, and the farmers market at the south-west edge of the site.
The project aims to bring wellness to the community with easy accessibility to healthcare services as well as features like an exercise track that loops the site and public places where self-testing equipment can be accessed.
External views are a priority in the Homeless Housing and the Nursing Home components, which are oriented towards the Jefferson High school green garden, downtown Los Angeles, and the sports activity spaces at the Recreation Center.