Yuanqi Cui_MArch 24_Southern_City above Cities_image
City above Cities
Contemporary Asian cities grapple with a pressing issue: insufficient residential spaces in the urban core. Urban stagnation, exacerbated by restrictive zoning, fuels congestion and inflates property prices, rendering existing urban…
Michael Arias_MArch 24_Southern_Archipelago of the Line_Image
Archipelagos of the Line
“Archipelagos of the Line” explores the creative genesis of architecture, starting from the most fundamental utility at the architect’s disposal: the line. This speculative approach attempts to tackle the daunting…
Jerry Ayala_MArch 24_Southern__Divison of the Intangible_image (1)
/Divison of the Intangible
While political agendas and colonial presences have blurred the intangible barriers of sovereignty, the border has transformed into a new spatial element breaking free from its traditional framework of demarcation…
Ekta Shreyakar_MArch24_Southern_Reimaging the Remnants Post Expo
“Reimagining the Remnants: Transformative Strategies for Post-Expo Sites” explores the potential of repurposing expo site remnants to spur architectural innovation, cultural revitalization, and sustainable urban development. This thesis employs a…
Darren Chan_MArch 24_Southern_Recapturing Poche Spaces in Concert Halls_image
Recapturing Poche Spaces in Concert Halls
Concert halls consist of two forms. The engineered form of the auditorium and the expressive form shaped by the envelope. But between these two forms lies a third: Poche Space…
Daniela Marentes_MArch 24_Southern_Reassesing the American Dream_image
In the case of Los Angeles, the necessity for future expansion has been curtailed by the prevalence of single-family housing. As the population continues to increase, the question arises: What…
Anushka Kubsad_MArch 24_Southern_the Bunk_image
(the) BUNK(-s/-er/-ing): Re-innovating the Piano Nobile in the Contemporary Cityscape
The street and the built environment have historically separated public and private spaces. Mike Davis’ essay, City of Quartz, discusses the transformation of Bunker Hill into a commerce-focused Central Business…
Alexandra Gauthier_MArch 24_Southern_Dream City_image
Dream City: Hijacking the Void
Dream City recognizes the potential of liminal and underutilized spaces within the contemporary metropolis. It re-imagines the void alley network of DTLA as a threshold to alternate urban possibilities. This…
Alexander Toribio_MArch 24_Southern_Architecture’s Transformative Journey Exploring Meaningful Transmogrification
Architecture’s Transformative Journey: Exploring Meaningful Transmogrification
In order to create meaningful architecture, one must apply critical tools that obstruct and metamorphose traditional architectural form and materiality. Using methods of transformation and transmogrification as a foundation for…
Alanna Duncan Taylor_MArch 24_Southern_Autoconstruction in the Caribbean_image
Autoconstruction in the Caribbean
The Caribbean house in the context of the inner-city is a product of autoconstruction, where the resident embodies several roles as the architect and builder. This process results in an…