Arch 698b: The Other California

Instructor: Alison Hirsch

FALLOWS NO MORE (Sustainable Economic Landscapes of Tomorrow)

The thesis aims to mitigate the adverse effects of large-scale fallowing of agricultural lands in California in response to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act’s (SGMA) regulations on groundwater pumping. This situation threatens job loss and food security and exacerbates issues in the Central Valley, such as landfallowing, desertification, dust storms, and health hazards.

The project introduces a comprehensive strategy and system that identifies stressed landscapes and facilitates farmers’ transition towards sustainable practices. It addresses multiple challenges simultaneously, including industrial and agricultural activities’ impact on biodiversity and air quality, as well as problems that plague the valley, such as land subsidence, Infrastructure damages, flooding, soil salinity, groundwater depletion, and pollution. The system ensures a holistic approach to sustainability.

The project seeks to minimize land fallowing while maintaining job security and food production through proactive measures, policy recommendations, incentives, and zoning. Ultimately, it envisions a greener future for the Central Valley, where ecological needs are met alongside economic sustainability.