The Mass Matrix
The future city will be multifunctional. A variety of programs will be distributed vertically throughout the city, serving the needs of residents, workers, consumers, and visitors within a dense structure.
The future city will be efficient. Land use and built forms will be dense and layered. Multiple circulation routes, both in horizontal and vertical directions will provide efficient movement. The combination of vertically-layered programs and an efficient circulation system will provide inhabitants of this densely populated community easy access to a variety of uses and spaces. The efficiency and multifunctionality will create a self-sufficient future city, with most daily activities in close proximity to one another, and the system also helps to reduce traveling times and fuel consumption to protect the future environment.
The future city will also be connected. An abundance of shared gathering spaces will be provided for each program, creating opportunities for social engagements at multiple scales and locations in this large community. In this space, inhabitants will be able to relax while enjoying the panoramic view of the San Fernando Valley and Verdugo Mountains.
In a logical conclusion, the future city will be a megastructure. The megastructure challenges conventional patterns of development which separate programs horizontally. Instead, the megastructure mixes dozens of programs and amenities into a massive urban form that provides multifunctionality, efficiency, and connectivity.