by Amanda (Siman) Tian
It proposes a landscape-oriented healthcare oasis that buildings and landscapes have become a blended system to create a therapeutic and dynamic healing environment. So wherever people enter the site, they are experiencing an immersed and integrated atmosphere. In this way all the building and landscape spaces are interconnected both formally and functionally. It tries to create fluid movements in terms of circulation, visual connection and spatial experiences.
Notably, the public-interest design aims to fulfill various needs of different age groups to serve a larger neighborhood. Therefore, multi-layered therapeutic elements are defined to differentiate multiple user groups from one another, responding to adjacent high school, the recreation center, commercial warehouses and single-family houses. It has become an inviting while self-containing health hub located in a dense neighborhood to H(healthcare) – E(emotion) – A(architecture) – L(landscape) people medically and spiritually through various considerations.