Venice Beach Site: Transition from Primitive Shapes to Programmatic Pavilions
The design intent started off with mapping out primitive shapes from previous assignments and situating them on a 210ft by 70 ft site plan of Venice beach. Taking the fixed water line, bike path, and parking gravel into consideration, deep consideration was taken on where to situate each pavilion. Through a series of offsets and extrusions, a site condition was established. In terms of designing the pavilions, they all emphasized the use of major axes in determining design steps. While the restaurant/cave focused on the use of additive and subtractive boolean processes to define spacial programming, the lifeguard/hut focused on a set perimeter and the transition from surfaces to volumes. The kiosk/tent focused on the contrast of framing and volumes, and how inverting that relationship changes the understanding of the pavilion both from an exterior and interior level. The exploration of using different materials also dictates what certain spaces are designated for, from stationary programming to contrast in material to show movement such as in the bike path.