ARCH 502A: Public Engagement

Instructor: Rob Berry

Re(De)-Visit: Rewriting a Collective Memory for Korea’s Mended Future

Korea’s Demilitarized Zone is a dichotomic political and ideological divide that marks the division and separation between two polar extremes. The paradox of the border condition is that through its temporal maturation, the line becomes blurred, ironically existing as softer and more nuanced forms of reading the physical environment. Re(De)-Visit destabilizes the hierarchical and dominant “hard readings” of the map by resurfacing dormant, soft readings of the land, allowing for a greater cultural, social, and spatial experience of the DMZ’s near future. The symbolism of the harsh split is addressed through revisiting intense historical events and experiential tropes of the divide, recreating and offering a new collective memory, one which is experienced through a bottom up, soft, blurred experience of the land, one step at a time.