ARCH 502A: Hidden Infrastructure

Instructor: Wendy W Fok

Revitalizing Urban Connectivity: Origami-Inspired Solutions for Los Angeles’ Neglected Spaces

Numerous communities across the United States are confronted with heightened crime rates and a dearth of facilities and initiatives fostering social interaction. Many streets languish in neglect, presenting a disheveled and underutilized appearance. Taking the abundant alleyways in Los Angeles as a prominent illustration, I propose a transformation of these overlooked informal spaces into a fresh network for pedestrian pathways and recreational pursuits, seamlessly woven into the existing urban infrastructure of streets and sidewalks. Drawing inspiration from the malleability and versatility of Origami, the design envisions structures capable of effortlessly morphing to accommodate diverse user requirements. This endeavor seeks to link the expansive multi-story buildings characteristic of Los Angeles, reinvigorating communal engagement and recreational opportunities, thereby amplifying safety and enlivening the city’s thoroughfares. Such an approach holds promise for replication across neglected spaces nationwide, fostering community upliftment on a broader scale.