Unfolding Restaurant
This project uses the idea of unfolding to influence how a chef would utilize the site for living purposes as well as working purposes. On the site, there are three distinct systems of unfolding working together to create various spatial qualities: the unfolding of surfaces, frames, and volume. The unfolding of surfaces as well as the pavilions on site are often presented as working surfaces for the chef and dining/social areas for visitors and customers. There is an emphasis in how the unfolding encourages the relationship of those being served and those who are serving. Just as much as the unfolding happens above ground, the unfolding systems dig into the ground to create void spaces as well as stepped spaces for the customer/visitor to maneuver through. The unfolding operation starts from the land region of the site and disintegrates at the water region, which is reflected in the fragmentation of the pavilions as well, creating a sense of movement throughout the site condition.