Undergraduate Projects Spring 2023 Filter by Course ARCH 502A: Adaptive M isuse ARCH 502A: Biomimetics in Architecture ARCH 502A: Hidden Infrastructures ARCH 502A: Jimenez Lai ARCH 502A: Marcos Sanchez ARCH 502A: Mary Casper ARCH502A_Lai_EsmeraldaAceituno_CoverPhoto – Esmeralda Aceituno ARCH 502A: Jimenez Lai Undergraduate Thesis Studio – Jimenez Lai Thesis is a time to draw, write, and project. It is a time to speculate one’s own future, while articulating the starting positions of one’s own positions. Thesis is also…
ARCH502A_Lai_EsmeraldaAceituno_CoverPhoto – Esmeralda Aceituno ARCH 502A: Jimenez Lai Undergraduate Thesis Studio – Jimenez Lai Thesis is a time to draw, write, and project. It is a time to speculate one’s own future, while articulating the starting positions of one’s own positions. Thesis is also…